martes, febrero 28, 2006

seems my destiny

last night when i got home from work, i did the usual and avoided running in the park and opted instead for a small ham sangwich and an episode of Seinfeld. after that i decided to take a nap which ended up being four hours long. yes i am going somewhere with this.

so after my nap i go out to watch some tube with chuck and Return of the King is on and i desperately want to watch it but there's no way chuck is having any of that, so we watch Executive Decision with Snake Plisskin and then some HBO Undercover thing about dog kennels in Arkansas that abuse the shit out of dogs.

anyway i decide i should go to bed after that because it's already 1 am but i'm not even tired. so i'm in bed trying to sleep and all i can think about is abby who is living in budapest and all the people i met in croatia who changed my life in many ways and i felt the pull i had not felt in so long, that desire to live in slatina or dubrovnik or some other village or city and teach english and learn croatian and be a part of another culture because i feel the longer i stay in the states the smaller my world becomes and it's so easy to dismiss things you can't see firsthand. all the faces of those i met in slatina and osijek and the times abby and i shared when i went to visit her exactly a year ago and my friends ben and carmen who let me stay in their guest room and were such great hosts but who i never talk to anymore because i think ben got pissed at me for writing stuff about abby when i got back to the states, all these things are running through my head for like 2 hours which kind of freaked me out because normally i can fall asleep like it's nobody's business. and it wasn't like a wrote bad things about abby when i got back to the states. i just felt as though the relationship was over for whatever reason, like she was walking too fast my last night in budapest or some other stupid neurotic shit my brain wrestled with.

the fact i'm writing about this a year later makes me wonder about a lot of things. one thing's for sure though: if i lived in europe i'd still be able to see ween because they occasionally tour europe.

lunes, febrero 27, 2006

buggy, why's my brain so muddy?

as soon as i posed the question i knew i was doomed. the three of us, we were just waiting for the words to be uttered: wanna go to barry's for one?

what started out as a pleasant evening of lasagne dinner with friends ended up with me and joe wrestling on the floor and max eating my freshly-made ham sandwich while i was putting joe in a headlock. max is chuck's dog, btw.

really the wild card was the beefeaters & tonics. $2.50 you-call-its at barry's on sunday and monday nights means i can drink stuff like beefeaters and, say, yukon jack without repose. and i'm starting to realise that isn't necessarily a good thing. i don't really like getting hammered on sunday night, and i'm starting to not like getting hammered at all these days. sure, it's fun at the time but it's like you got mugged because your head hurts and the wallet is empty.

that yukon jack shot sure was a blast from the past though. my friend limey may recall some drunken las vegas shenanigans involving yukon jack, although he may not want to recall everything.

ween just announced a small southwest u.s. tour and ft. lauderdale is first on their list. it just so happens that my good friend ami lives there and lo! today i received an email from travelocity with a roundtrip fare of $200. i just about shit myself because that is a great deal and i can almost afford it, esp if i get my damn refund check soon. if you have not seen ween live, you must.

jueves, febrero 23, 2006

The Grobe and Like a Hurricane

i'm doing my OSHA 8-hr Refresher today so here are links to the Nancy Drews performing The Grobe by Ween and Like a Hurricane by Neil Young at Cricket On the Hill on february 4th.


miércoles, febrero 22, 2006

another sunny day

thin mints taste so much better when they're frozen. i mean it's a like a completely different cookie, although frozen or not, it is The Balls. this dude at work who sometimes i like but often don't like just gave me a whole sleeve of thin mints for some unknown reason. but i did not argue and now he's on my Good Side. you don't want to see me angry.

now i've been hearing quite a bit about this "diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper" and i don't get it. why does dr. pepper feel the need to mask it's already delicious flavour? is being the oldest pop (fuck off, "soda" people) not enough? what would the good doctor say about all this? and why even try and go against diet wild cherry pepsi? diet wild cherry pepsi is probably one of the 21st century's finest innovations. diet wild cherry pepsi is so insanely awesome that once you get that first sip, it's very near impossible to not start buying 12 packs everytime you go grocery shopping. yep, it's that good. i haven't even tasted diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper and i know that it can not match up to the heavenly nectar that is diet wild cherry pepsi. and this is a non-debatable point.

martes, febrero 21, 2006

you can talk of the future, you can talk of the past

so i am single once again and this means the usual thing is happening: i am thinking of girls i've dated in the past couple years and wonder 'why did we break up? we had such Good Times!' but what i don't remember are the reasons we broke up to begin with, which were valid reasons (i.e. not "Seinfeld" reasons. ok there are probably a couple of those). this is a prime example of selective memory, and a good example of why witness testimony in a court of law is not always terra firma.

i sit here chewing on ice cubes with my sensitive teeth, because i am a maniac like that, and wonder if Roald Dahl books are still popular with children today. RD was a masterful storyteller and i absorbed his books for many a year. i never really got into Rudyard Kipling, though. or those stupid R.L. Stine shitheaps.

just found out that the number one song on the day i was born was "Bad Girls" by Donna Summer. this is not the worst thing to ever happen. having your legs torn off by a wood chipper is worse, por ejemplo.

my cubicle is a gas chamber

and that could have multiple meanings.

i've never really been into watching the olympics, never really understood what all the hubub was about. i remember dan and dave from so long ago, the supposed olympic champions who never were. i remember when the mini-olympics were held in seattle and my hometown played a little part in that.

there are some people who will endure in olympic memory and some who will fade even before their 15 minutes are up. i hope in my heart of hearts that bode miller and shani davis fade in like two seconds. it's statements like "if the circumstances were a little different, i could have four medals right now, maybe all of them gold" and "a lot of guys put in 70, 80% and get results. i'm not going to do that" (paraphrasing) from bode miller; and shani davis snubbing his american teammates on a number of occasions that upset me. i understand that winning at the olympics, even just getting there, is a great personal achievement. but i also understand that these athletes are there to represent us, the US of A, and that winning a medal is as much for us as it is for them.

i don't know, maybe being arrogant, selfish, and rude is representing us somewhat. maybe we should think about sending people abroad who display integrity as well as possess athletic ability. i know i'm in the minority here, but i'd rather not win any medals but still display good sportsmanship than tarnish our image as brash, drunk, and selfish vis-a-vis these two a-holes bode miller and shani davis.