jueves, abril 20, 2006

martha, my dear you have always been my inspiration

got the first sunburn of the year yesterday and i look terrific. sometimes i wish i didn't dream so much, that i could just sleep and not have weird adventures in my subconcious. i mean, i am seriously a dreaming machine. it'd be a lot cooler if they were lucid so i could just do whatever i wanted. i remember my first lucid dream, i was at my friend limey's dad's house in richland, washington and we were driving around in my car when all of a sudden, for whatever reason, i realised i was in a dream and that none of it was real, so i tell limey this and he says something like "well let me out of the car so i don't die or anything" so i let him out and i just start ramming my car into houses and other cars because it didn't matter, none of it was real! i get out of my car (which at the time was an '83 honda accord - it was the balls) and i start to fly and it felt so awesome to be flying free through the clouds and that's when i woke up. waking up after a lucid dream sucks.


At 4/21/2006 8:53 a. m., Blogger hotdrwife said...

My girlfriend has the flying dreams, but can only be on a sheet of newspaper. And she falls every time the wind catches her paper ...

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