miércoles, marzo 22, 2006

everything's so easy for pauline

i bought new skis yesterday and i'm already getting excited for next season although i'm damn ready for summer and sick of winter. my feet have almost forgotten what it's like to roam free.

that or i'm not as liberal with the flip-flop wearing as i used to be. you know how a lot of guys will wear flip-flops with khakis or something else nice? i started that. back in vegas one could almost wear flip-flops year-round, and so i'd wear flip-flops with all my clothes and pretty much people caught on to how awesome it was and it took off.

that's right, i am a trend-setter. there are other fads i've inadvertantly begun but i won't get into it right now. it's too hard for some people to take, and i don't want anyone getting riled up on a cold ass humpday.

there's a new Lost on tonight and i hate that i keep coming back to those fuckers but it's so damn compelling and riveting i can't help myself. i really don't understand why they do one new show and then three weeks of repeats. it just doesn't make sense to me. and no questions are really answered, they just put older shit on the backburner and raise new issues. but admittedly i will keep watching.

i think thai basil is on the menu tonight.


At 3/22/2006 12:43 p. m., Blogger spanish eddie said...

may - june.

i know, it sucks.

At 3/22/2006 5:33 p. m., Blogger LuccyM33 said...

dude! new skies! I am totally switching back to skiing next season. We'll have to go up together sometime.

and count me in on april 29th. (as long as kosta has turn tables...) email me:

At 3/23/2006 7:24 a. m., Blogger spanish eddie said...

yes, next season let's do it!

i emailed you.


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